Friday, October 29, 2010

Mehus vs. Injuries

Article written by Dillan Ostrom.

Athletes take the risk of injury each time they suit up. One never knows if this will be their last game or whether they will be healthy the following week. For the love of the game many athletes forget about this part and play hard until the buzzer. However, sometimes injuries set back athletes. Kyle John Mehus, junior at Finley-Sharon and basketball fanatic, knows this story oh too well. 

In the September 2009 football season, Mehus, the starting sophomore quarterback, got tackled at the knees and didn’t get up the same way he went down. After many trips were made to the doctor, finally an MRI showed that he had a bucket handle tear on the meniscus in his right knee. Surgery was then undergone October 23, 2009. The 2009 basketball season transformed from dream into nightmare as it was literally nonexistent for Mehus. Some would fall apart after the injury, but not him. According to his mom, he worked even harder to be back for next season. 

 Lori Mehus, mother of Kyle, said, “We spent many trips back and forth to the doctors and did physical therapy.”  After a year of rehabilitation and strengthening, Mehus counted the days to when basketball season would arrive. Finally the 2010 school sports season began. He originally made the decision that football was too risky and would not partake in the fall sport. However, after the first game, he got the itch and decided to go out. After the required amount of practices, Mehus got to play. 

Mehus shooting Jumper. Used by permission from Kyle Mehus.

The season went well and the FSHP Spartans clinched a playoff berth. As they finished up the regular season playing Hankinson, Mehus unfortunately went down again. While blocking on a punt return his knee got tangled up and he was immediately taken off the field and rushed to Innovis Health in Fargo. Mehus said, “It felt like it did a year ago.” As those words left his lips, an MRI was in store. 

October 4th brought the family to Dr. Ryan Kessel at Innovis for an MRI to determine the injury. A day later, Mehus found out that it was another meniscus tear in the opposite knee. Thirty-percent of his meniscus was removed on October 8th and he was informed he could return back to full participation in about 3 weeks.  The initial tear made the family nervous, but they were relieved to hear that he could come back for the 2010 basketball season. 

The family and Kyle have been through so much to watch him succeed and it’s a blessing he could return for his junior season. Anyone around the area knows that the Finley athlete has loved basketball since he first set in the gym and has a real passion for the game. Many, including myself are excited to see Mehus on the court at the varsity level. He is an excellent ball handler and electrifying player. As the 2010 basketball season approaches, Mehus’s knees will be in our prayers. “Last year everyone kept saying, well at least he has two years left. We were not ready to hear everyone say; well at least he has one year left. It has been a nightmare/dream for Kyle.” added Mrs. Mehus. November 15th marks the start of the Spartan’s season and they are excited over the fact that Mehus will be joining them on the court.  Friends and family wait to here of his success.

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