Thursday, December 2, 2010

Christmas Carols Are In The Air

By Dustin Krueger
                The walk over to Foss Hall was a rough one the wind was whipping and snow was blowing on November 19, 2010. But it was only three houses away. I entered the building and went and found my seat in the middle of the audience.  At the beginning the audience was starting to fill up around 20 people showed up to the show. Everyone was handed a program to fallow along with the concert and read the English language version on the German songs. The stage was decorated by lights around the hand rail and along the front of the stage. On the stage were a black piano and a Christmas tree decorated with lights and other ointments.  The audience was separated throughout the seats and very interactive with people. The light are usually dimmed down, but left on for the audience to read their programs they were given.  The soprano singer was Leesa Levy assisted by Jaime Nammingo on the piano. Leesa is the Director of Choral Activities at VCSU where she is also Assistant Professor or Voice for the Department of Music. The two dressed up nice for the event. They were matching Leesa was wearing a blue top and Jaime wearing bluish green top, both dressed up nice for the event.  The music was phenomenal sounded great with those to singing and playing great. Half way through there was a short break after looking around everyone was talking about the music and how nice it was. I did see one person sleeping so maybe she was enjoying the music so much that it put her to sleep. After the show Leesa and Jaime came out for one more round of applause and it was over.  There are still many events that people can go to and enjoy from the music department and people coming to the event.  These concerts are usually students going to school in valley for a music degree and are great to listen to and see what the school can produce.

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