Thursday, December 9, 2010

Performance Review: VCSU Student Recital

On Monday, November 15, 2010 the Valley City State University Music Department put on a general student recital. The recital took place in Froemke Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. which was a cold winter evening. The Auditorium was unfortunately very empty with small groups of people scattered throughout the audience. With twelve scheduled performers one of which dropped out last minute the recital was a decent length of time. The auditorium’s lights were off except for the ones focused on the stage giving the feeling that that’s where everyone’s attention is to be. Although this particular night seemed a bit off for the performers whether they weren’t ready to perform or they were sick and had a hard time reaching some of their high notes.
 It wasn’t hard to see that some were more nervous than others. One of the performers looked like they were either about to fall over because they grabbed the piano and lent against it. Although, it could also have been to show emotion, for in this instance it was hard to tell. Most of the singing performers stood in one spot looking stiff as if they couldn’t move. One performer Cassandra Klos, a Soprano, stayed in the same spot but moved from side to side and moved her hands in order to show the emotion that was needed. Unfortunately, one thing I didn’t like was that there were only two or three songs in English. I like to be able to understand what I’m listening to.
The music helps get the meaning across but understanding the words would be helpful. Along with the singers there were three just instrumental songs. Sarah Rhyan played a beautiful song on the piano, giving me the inspiration to pick up the piano again. While Alison Jenson played the vibraphone, percussion instrument expertly, with four sticks instead of two like normal.
I found the recital very relaxing after the long day. Although the small audience was a letdown the overall performance was very good. It was easy to see that the performers put a lot of work and practice into their songs. I would recommend anyone going to the recitals because it is a relaxing thing to do when there is a lot going on.

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