Friday, December 10, 2010

Enthusiasm for Sports is Not Always the Case

Written by Derek Davis

                You see it all around the country.  Fans jumping from their couches with their friends shouting praise because their team just hit a home run, a football player from the opposite side fumbled, or just because some team player knocked a player from the other team down on the ground.  On the mind of those who are not as thrilled about the game is why their family members and their friends get all psyched up for a game and end up giving them headaches from all the screaming.
Hess is not just a football enthusiast, but also a
Green Bay Packers Enthusiast!
                “I like seeing the big plays, especially when the Packers are making them.  The enthusiasm never dies,” says Kyle Hess, a Valley City State University junior, as he wears his Packers sweatshirt and his cheese head, which the Packer fans are known for wearing as they cheer for their team, no matter if it is a live game they are watching or a game on their fancy televisions.  He commented more regarding enthusiasm for the game as he states that “even if I don’t shout out loud, I’m still making comments to myself throughout the whole game even if nothing big is happening.”
                To gain more understanding in regards to this enthusiasm for all sports, especially when it comes to football fanatics, an academic understanding of what is going on psychologically and sociologically must be taken into account.  Jill Devries, one of the instructors at VCSU that instructs students in Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, discusses these aspects when it comes to fanatics.  In an email interview, she says that “people are emotional about the sports in which they have a vested interest or connection.  This connection can come from either attending a university, from friend and/or family, or even wanting to be part of a crowd.”
                Both Hess and Devries understand and accept that not all people are emotionally involved in sports.  Hess states some people “just don’t care as much as others do.”  Devries stated that “it depends on the personality of the person.”  People that do not have that enthusiastic zeal about sports as Hess had said earlier simply say they just don’t care.  Devries agrees with them.  She says that “some people are just more innately expressive than others.”  She also said later on in the email interview that sports enthusiasts like being a part of the entertainment of sports.  There are also those people that tend to act somewhat inappropriately during sports, just to draw attention.
                While these sports tend to drive people into leaping out of their couches at remarkable speed during a great win, it is interesting to note that not all sports enthusiasts act this way.  There are also those people who just sit there watching sports simply to watch them.  Team support is big, which was rather evident as Hess concluded the interview by expressing his support for his team:  “No matter if the Packers win or lose, there is always next week for them to win!”

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