Friday, December 10, 2010

Millage Wears Different Masks before Family Business Decision

We all wear masks. Different masks are put on for different occasions and for different reasons. Masks hide a part of who we truly are and portray a reserved self image. Some can be physically seen and others exist in hiding. However, in Lacey Millage’s case, her masks represent her life before coming back to her roots. Millage, native of Valley City, ND is back from her experimentation in other walks of life than the restaurant business. She wasn’t always aspiring to take over the 35 year old Roby’s diner, but recently hopes to own the family business some day.
Her journey began once she ventured to Rapid City, SD to earn her business degree and a degree in Veterinary work. She worked nearly forty hours a week to earn money for college and has always been a hard worker. Waitressing at her mother’s business in town, managing a gas station, working at numerous department stores and owning her own cleaning business are some of the many different masks she has worn.
When asked why she came back, Millage said, “I came back to help mom with the family business. Vet work is what I really wanted to do, but knew I’d be back.” She currently works at the Valley City Vet Clinic every Tuesday and every other Saturday while helping with the diner.
Roby’s is a fine eating establishment with one of the more unique menus in town. It has a wide range of foods from Mexican, seafood, Italian and American to simple appetizers and a salad bar. When asked what food Millage preferred, she answered number 32. She then went on to explain that it was a hot beef sandwich with mashed potatoes and gravy. Zachary Danger Lee, senior at Valley City State University said, “I enjoy going to Roby’s because it is like having a home cooked meal while I’m away at college.”  Many students from the Valley City campus have commented on how Roby’s is one of Valley City’s top places to eat because of its variety and service.
Millage and company will be happy to know that the restaurant is well respected and the community really enjoys its aroma. Speaking with Millage in person about the future ownership really showed her passion for the business. She explained that she remembered coming into Roby’s as a toddler, working there from ages 15-18 and it always being a part of her life. Millage has been back for two years now and is crossing her fingers to become the new owner when her mom retires.
Although Millage experimented with many different jobs, the family business called her back to Valley City. It is nice to see that she can live both dreams as she works at the Vet Clinic and helps mom with the business. It was a unique experience sitting and chatting with her about the history of Roby’s and her involvement. If Millage gets the chance to take over, she will be a perfect fit for Roby’s and the community. Best of luck to you Lacey!!!
Roby's Diner pictured above with permission from Lacey Millage.

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