Friday, November 19, 2010

Black Ops is it a Friend or a Foe

By Dustin Krueger
Call of Duty 7 Black Ops is the newest game of the century.  It’s the seventh game of its kind, but this one was made by Treyarch. All the games are put in some sort of war period. Black Ops is put in the Cold War era. The areas of battles and fighting are set in many locations including Vietnam and Cuba. Black Ops has many types of games to go with it you can play campaign, live multiplayer or even kill zombies.  The campaign follows a story line and as its being played you become many different leaders throughout the war. But mostly you play as a guy named Mason and who ended up getting brainwashed and ended up killing many different leaders and didn’t even know what was going. Till the end of the game when the Americans are able to make him snap out of it and realize what he had done.  
Picture taken by Dustin Krueger
                During multiplayer you play against many other people throughout the world and try to out kill the other opponents. There are also many other games called wager games, were you put down money that you earn in the game. If you place 1st, 2nd, or 3rd you get paid and earn more money to keep playing the wager games. Also you can play with your friends online on private matches and play just them or you could even play with your friends and verse other players.  Then finally there is a zombie game. There are three maps made for this type of play you can play with three of your friends or just go in and play with random people that are on. You can have 2 to 4 players and you have to go through the levels and see how many levels you can get through without both of you dying.
                But what could be so bad with playing this game. Well according to Stephani Steffen “the game takes away time from things, guys spend 2 to 3 hours on it and could use that time on more productive things. The guys are on it and don’t even know what is going on around them and don’t care they are so into their game I could be yelling at them and would probably still not even look at me.”  But according to john Lindstrom “if I wasn’t playing Black Ops I would just be watching TV or on my computer.”
What are the effects of the game on school and homework? Depends on who you are talking to, many none gamers say that people are putting off the homework and skipping classes and playing the game. People don’t do what they need to get done its affecting there life’s.  But like John said “he would procrastinate the homework and school by doing other stuff like watching TV.” But like he said why not play video games that I enjoy that are almost real like and have objectives to complete.
Does the game affect schooling and family activities we really don’t know? The game has only been out for two weeks and still is selling off the records. Before the holidays this game could out sell any other games that have taken years to sell that many games. What’s to come next we don’t know and will have to only wait and see.

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