Friday, November 5, 2010

A Unique Look At Abstract Art

By Audrey Fergel            
                Take a new look at some unique functional art.   Furniture, such as end tables, coffee tables, and entertainment centers, are all art pieces by Valley City native Dave Lewellyn, artist and Professor of Visual Arts at Bismarck State College.   
 Lewellyn, via phone interview, said he first started doing beaver wood furniture after watching a log furniture show.  Lewellyn stated, “I was out fishing along the Sheyenne River and got the idea when I saw beaver sticks everywhere.” Darren Hampson, a childhood friend and fishing buddy, often joins Lewellyn in the hunt for beaver sticks. Hampson said, “It is really amazing to see what Dave will come up with.  I saw a wine rack he made and couldn’t believe how neat it was.”  Lewellyn elaborated that after running out of creative ideas for his furniture, he decided at 31 years old to go back to college so he could learn to be more creative.  Lewellyn attended Bismarck State College from ’01 to ’03 then transferred to North Dakota State University, where he earned his art degree.   Lewellyn said that his thirst for new ideas is what originally sent him back to school, but his creativity expanded into painting, sculpture, and photography as his college career advanced.  Lewellyn said, “My main focus is on the beaver stick art and furniture, but I get bored and like to switch sculpting, painting, or photography. I just do what I’m in the mood for at the time.”  Lewellyn stated that his favorite genre of art is abstract expressionism and he applies that to all forms of his artwork. He is an intuitive artist and explained that there is no objective, one idea inspires another and flows from there.
Lewellyn distributes his art via the internet.  He explained that there is a website where artists can register to dispense their work.  Artists are informed of exhibitions and art shows that pertain to their personal form of art.  Lewellyn has participated in an exhibition in New York City and has one scheduled in Texas for Design America.  Lewellyn explained further that there are also judged art exhibitions that artists have to apply and be accepted into the art show.  He stated that artists win prizes for their work.  Lewellyn said, “I was accepted to a juried art exhibition in Montana about a year ago, but didn’t win.  It was really a great experience to be showing my art with some of the top artist in the country though.”  Lewellyn’s artwork is also available on his own personal website, at
Lewellyn is currently living in Bismarck, ND, where he is a visual arts professor at BSC.  He said that he never planned on being a teacher and that it was all accidental.  Lewellyn and Andrea, his wife, both graduated from NDSU and wanted to move back to Bismarck to be closer to family.  He explained that Andrea was eight months pregnant and we wanted to move before the baby came.  She ended up going into labor a month early and they still hadn’t found a place to live or work yet.  Lewellyn said, “A friend visited us in the hospital and told us about a house that turned out to be perfect.  The next day another friend let me know about a teaching position at BSC   He stating, “It was all fate. I never planned on being a drawing teacher.”  Lewellyn hopes to expand the art program, and help students learn abilities that will benefit them in their future careers.
Lewellyn’s art offers a new look at styles of art that have been around for many years.  Take a look at his website to view his unique abstract artwork. 
Abstract beaver stick art by Dave Lewellyn. Used by permission.
Table made out of beaver sticks by Dave Lewellyn. Used by permission.  

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