Friday, November 19, 2010

Field Participates in No Shave

Mustaches, beards and goatees! Men from all over the world are participating in an event that is kicking off Thanksgiving month. An event mysterious to wives, girlfriends and women involved. An event that puts shaving creams and razors away for an entire month. No Shave November has people talking. 
The men participating kick off their growth session on November 1st and don’t stop until the end of November. Plenty of men on the VCSU campus are partaking in the event and are beginning to look grizzly. However, what if a girl were to participate in no-shave November? What kind of looks would she get from the norm? Would she survive?

Amy Field, sophomore at VCSU is relinquishing her feminism for an entire month. Field hasn’t shaved her legs from the beginning of November and plans on seeing it through. She did add that it is just her legs though and everything else is currently kept up. Field doesn’t want people to think that her entire body is covered in hair as that would be gross.

Field said, “It makes me feel a little upset that they just assume that girls wouldn’t participate and it’s a bit sexist.”

Amy & boyfriend Logan. Permission to use from Amy.
The 19 year old has a point. It is uncommon for women to participate in such an event as they are not known for their hair growing abilities. Females are targeted through magazines, commercials and the media to show their feminine side since day one. As they have been learning this at a very young age it can be quite difficult to stray away from the norm. “It’s nice not having to think about shaving, but I get a little self conscious”, said Field. The men in Valley City give Field props for her uniqueness. “My boyfriend is a tish worried about dating a wookie”, said Field. Her boyfriend Logan Becker, pictured with her, admits he admires her courage.

Field is involved with Viking ambassadors, improve club and other extracurricular activities. She shows her Viking colors everywhere she travels and is a proud member of the Valley City Campus. Anyone who knows Amy on campus knows that she is a hoot to be around and is always smiling. She is one of the most remarkable girls on campus and deserves kudos for her always chipper attitude.  

Men and women are not measured by hair in society. Their worth is not determined by how many strands of locks they have streaming from their bodies. However, in November, their hair is everything. Those competing are held accountable for not only the amount of hair, but its grotesque quality. Both genders are taking place in No Shave November this Thanksgiving and it is quite the site to see. Don’t forget to ask Amy to show you her prized legs throughout the month of November.   

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