Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Public Panel to Discuss Devils Lake Outlet Plans

By Steven Petherbridge
With all of the complex issues, opposing arguments, and multiple levels of bureaucracy involved in the Devils Lake excess water issue, it can sometimes be difficult for citizens to stay afloat, much less to be involved in, or even aware of the latest developments and how they may affect them.
For this reason, the What in the World Is Going On? community – campus organization is sponsoring a panel discussion titled Bridges over Troubled Water? to be held on Tuesday, November 30th at 7pm in Vangstad Auditorium on the Valley City State University campus. Representatives from agencies involved in the issue will be discussing the Devils Lake outlet plans and their effect on the Sheyenne River.
 “I think people have a lot of questions, “said VCSU professor Dr. Julee Russell who is a part of the WITW group. “Water quality is an issue for everyone and it needs to be discussed in a more public way. This kind of an activity gives people a chance to come in and say, ‘hey, this is what I want to know about this,’ and hopefully someone on the panel will be able to address that concern.”
 Invited panelists include ND State Engineer Todd Sando, Valley City Mayor Bob Werkhoven, Bill Csajko and Ferris Chamberlin from the Army Corps of Engineers, and VCSU Biologist Dr. Andre DeLorme. Panelists will discuss the different aspects of the issue as well as the latest information and planning details and how they may affect Valley City and its surrounding areas. Following panelists’ remarks audience members will have the opportunity to ask questions.
” I still see issues I don’t always understand,” said VCSU professor Dr. Kay Kringlie who is also a member of the WITW organization, “so I’m looking forward to this personally as well as for the WITW group.”
Pertinent issues to be addressed include: What plans the State Water Commission has for releasing additional water into the Sheyenne River and what these plans might mean to Valley City and its surrounding areas. How sulfate standards will be maintained or changed. And, how water added to the Sheyenne River will affect potential spring flooding, the flood plain, and the cost of flood insurance.
“We are hoping people can come away from this with an increased awareness and a sense of having a say, of participating and being heard,” added Russell. “Its easy to say,’ I don’t like what is going on,’ but it’s another thing to be able to voice your opinions, ideas, or questions in a place where maybe you can get some answers.”
 The What in the World Is Going On? community-campus organization has sponsored events regarding current social and cultural issues since 2001.

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