Monday, November 15, 2010

Moss Sacked and Titans Grab

By: Barbara Ennen
On Monday morning the Minnesota Vikings head coach Brad Childress made an announcement to team players that Randy Moss had been sacked.
Moss came on the Football scene as a rookie in 1998 and has made his name well known in the National Football League. He has played for Minnesota Vikings, Oakland Raiders, New England Saints, and is now adding another team under his helmet the Tennessee Titans.
Many people question and think the Vikings have made a big mistake, but when talking to both fans of the Minnesota Vikings and the Green Bay Packers they have said pretty much the same thing, Moss had a lot of character flaws and he needed to go.
Maybe the atmosphere that the Vikings have created is their own fault? Since Brett Favre has come on the scene as quarterback for the Vikings they have gladly given him the right to do as he pleases. Favre, who is allowed to show up when he wants or not at all for practices, has been the leader in this team, and running the Viking camp.
When I sat down with Rhonda Roaldson at the Buff Bar in Jamestown while having a cold beer she had football on her mind Roaldson who is a lifelong Vikings fan has strong feelings about Moss and his character flaws and not keeping his mouth quiet.
“Moss is a self-absorbed glory hog. He’s a talented player with a big mouth, but only works when he wants to and then he can’t get the job done when he wants to work.”
She spoke well of Moss being an outstanding player but, says, “Good luck to the Titans hope they have better luck keeping Moss in check.”
When speaking to Packers Fan Bryan Miller via text messaging I found he had a lot to say about the Vikings sacking Moss.
“Minnesota got what they paid for. Moss has an ego and thinks he is the key to winning a Super Bowl and that any team he is on should be built around him. He developed this from Chris Carter, and now Percy Harvin will be the same way. Moss is a cancer to any team, as well as the league, and football in general.”
Most fans agree that Moss is one of the greatest receivers of all time to play in the NFL, yet he has proven to have trouble controlling this temper and keeping his mouth quiet, but is that any different from other players that have voiced their opinion throughout the years in any sport? Most fans will say players should have the right to voice their opinions, but not against their own team or coaches.
Minnesota was more than happy to see Moss go but the Titans are happy and not going to make the same mistake of passing him up again. In the 1998 draft Titans passed him up, but timing may be everything. The Titans have confidence that with a fresh start he will do great and take their team far in the AFC.
Many fans may feel Moss has a bad attitude, yet he is one of the best players in the league and undeniably of a lifetime in football. All agree it will be interesting to see how well he finishes out this season after being traded for the fourth time.

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