Friday, November 12, 2010

West Fargo, DECA Fundraiser

By Stephany Wegenast

On the 16th of October the West Fargo High School student organization DECA went to Applebee’s before it opened to serve pancakes to the locals as a fundraiser. The West Fargo DECA was stationed at the Applebee’s on 13th avenue with their teacher, Jenna Skaff. This is Skaff’s third year working with the DECA students as a teacher at West Fargo High School. Skaff said that this event is a state wide event and that DECA and Applebee’s are sponsors for the event together.  This particular even has been going on for seven years. According to Skaff, DECA used to stand for Distributive Education Clubs of America but now it is just a marketing association for students as the acronym is obsolete.
When asking Skaff why she chose to advise DECA she said, “I was part of a family business and had a strong liking for it.  I just want to pour out to others to show how fun it can be.”
This event cost five dollars for the tickets. Ten percent of the money goes in to a statewide scholarship and the rest to the chapter fall leadership.
Talking to senior, Sam Eidenschank, a student at West Fargo High School, she said that she joined DECA because of “the free t-shirts, all the trips, and for the experience.”
DECA is a long standing organization that is well respected and held at a majority of the schools throughout the United States. It’s where kids get to have a good, safe time while helping out others at the same time. Serving the pancakes was only one way they get out and to do something fun while benefiting from it.
DECA was founded in 1946. With this 60 year history, DECA has touched the lives of more than ten million students, educators, school administrators and business professionals. Their strong connection with this organization has resonated into a brand that people identify as a remarkable experience in the preparation of emerging leaders and entrepreneurs.
Looking around the restaurant it wasn’t hard to see that the people there were friends, family, and some returning students sitting down to enjoy the pancakes.
This is an annual event so look for it next year and maybe you too can sit down and enjoy the mouth watering pancakes as well. Chances are Skaff will be there as well, although you may not see her for she prefers to stand watch in the kitchen.

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