Monday, November 1, 2010

Profile of Mr. Hoff

article by: Jacob Miedema
The person that I did a profile on is Mr. Hoff, I did an in- person interview with him. Interviewing him in person, I learned a lot about him and also his office had a lot of pictures of things that he is in involved with such as space related pictures.  I learned that He has been in the educational field for 30 some years.  According to Mr. Hoff He is the utility person here because he essentially has training in all sciences.  I learned that he also helps with educational and geology classes.  I also learned that he enjoys upland hunting the most. Since he has been at VCSU he has done a fair amount of traveling.  When he came to VCSU he had been in all 50 states and has been in all of the continents except Antarctica. 
Also, he enjoys muscle cars.  Listening to Mr. Hoff I learned he is an individual that has a wealth of information and I feel that he is person that likes to share the information and the good experiences that he has observed with all of his travels so others can learn and have an appreciation for other parts of the world.  Also, I feel it is important for people to listen to Instructors such as Mr. Hoff because the way the world and society has become there is so much technology, computers, news and etc.  Which is good but it also takes away from personal experiences which can me more interesting or helpful then reading a document or a story.  Also, according to Dr. Stickler “Mr. Hoff is a true professional he goes about his job at VCSU in a dignified and a knowledgeable manner.”  Lastly, after hearing that quote from Dr. Stickler I feel that what I said in this profile is all wrapped in that quote.

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